Популярная фитнес-блогер Имре Чечен из Турции опубликовала на своей странице в Instagram серию фотографий, в которых она сопоставляет форму женского тела до и после принятия красивой позы. Этим самым она разоблачает огромное количество идеализированных снимков в социальных сетях, на которых пользователи хвастаются своей подтянутой фигурой.
Девушка подчёркивает, что зачастую красивые фото зависят от освещения, времени суток и принятой позы. И при минимальной их перемене – человек уже не выглядит столь подтянутым и привлекательным.
При этом она добавляет, что прилагает огромные усилия, снимаясь для своей странички в Instagram. Таким образом разоблачая и саму себя.
?THE DIFFERENCE LIGHTING CAN MAKE!?Do you ever feel pretty happy with your body one moment, but then you see yourself in different lighting and suddenly those happy feelings fade away and insecurity hits you?? NOT NECESSARY AT ALL!?? . Let me tell you one thing; it’s 100% normal that your body looks different when the lighting changes. It happens to all of us since we simply can’t bring that «perfect» lighting around with us. The reason why it seems like all «insta models» do look «amazing» all the time is just cause they only post pictures with lighting that they like??♀️ . I like my body equally in these pictures, simply cause both are my body and both are beautiful? Ok except for the fact that my eyes make me look like a demon on the left? It’s probably cause I’d died from flexing too hard? . I used to get upset if my abs didn’t show in pics but now I know it’s just simple physics. In the left picture there’s an artificial light shining so bright that most shades dissapear? on the right there’s only natural light leaving room for shades which give that definition?? . Whether or not your definition will show is all about the brightness and angle of the light source!!!?☀️ . Know that your body is beautiful in all lights, all shapes, all colors and just all everything! Own your body for it’s the only one you’ll ever have!❤ . Oh and for the caption obviouses; yes these are different pictures but they were taken at the same time of the day. I’m flexing in both and my pose is the same. As far as it’s possible to stand exactly the same way though? Sadly I don’t have an assistant so I really did have to move myself to turn on that light? ??♀️ . Anyway, to all my lovely girls who think they need to be perfect all the time; YOU ALREADY ARE! Abs or no abs, big butt or small butt, tiny or tall, you are beautiful!❤ You don’t need that perfect lighting?? GO SHINE YOUR OWN LIGHT!✨? WHO’S READY TO SHINE???????? TAG YOUR SHINE BUDDY!?
Допис, поширений Imre Çeçen ???? imrececen.com (@imrececen) Тра 28, 2017 о 1:12 PDT
⁉️CAN YOU GET RID OF ALL SKINFOLDS &FATROLLS?⁉️ I know some people might think that this is a silly question but I noticed that lots of women and girls do seem to struggle with this and that’s more than logical!!!? . On tv and in magazines we only see airbrushed bodies, «flattering» poses and even bodies which had so much surgery that you might wonder if it’s still human. This changes our ideas about reality and the «perfect body». Suddenly young girls seem to think they need a butt so big that you can’t even turn around anymore without smacking someone down with it? That shit is more dangerous than idiots walking around with giant backpacks or pipes ? ? #youcouldkillsomeone . Girls want to look like a marble statue without any rolls or folds. You know why that statue doesn’t have folds? Cause it’s a statue and it can’t move! Be greatfull cause that skin of yours gives you the opportunity to walk around, to eat and just to live in general!✨ . If you’re feeling down whenever you see any rolls, folds or whatever: go check out my latest YouTube video! It’s called «can you get rid of all skinfolds & fatrolls» and as far as I’ve heard it makes you see fatrolls in a totally different way! #theyareyourfriends (Kinda want to quote all amazing resposes I got) Anyway, the direct link to this video is in my bio so check it out!! It tells you if it’s possible to be all skinfold & fatroll free? Oh and a realistic view of my body in different poses? #hellofolds #hellorolls . Some skin folds or rolls shouldn’t make you freak out?? You should be happy that you’ve got them!! So no need to look as terrified as I do in this left picture? Doing this will only give you more skinfolds only these are called wrinkles??? #uhoh . Start loving your body for all it does is taking care of you! Literally, it’s only job is to be there for you!? Stop seeing your body as your enemy, stop hating it! Start seeing your body as your best friend! Start loving it! You are beautiful no matter what!❤ . RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU’RE READY TO START LOVING YOUR BODY!??? day by day, step by step, fold by fold & roll by roll!?? ? . Ps. If you’re having a bad day just zoom in on my overdamatic face???
Допис, поширений Imre Çeçen ???? imrececen.com (@imrececen) Тра 18, 2017 о 1:40 PDT