University student, 23, handed booze ban after sex with a mystery red-head in front of stunned commuters at Hackey Downs station
A stunned passenger filmed the amorous pair romping in broad daylight at Hackney Downs in East London

A UNIVERSITY student who drunkenly romped with a mystery red-head in front of shocked rail passengers was handed a 60-day booze ban today.
Dominic Richardson, 23, and the woman put on an X-rated display at Hackney Fields station in east London, for about 90 seconds before adjusting their cloths and jumping on the train.
The second year University of East London psychology student later confessed to police but said it was out of character as he had "been drinking all day and night".
Richardson told officers that he had not been socialising much with his friends and had been drinking substantial amounts of rum.
A member of the public recorded the display on her mobile phone and said she was "shocked" and "outraged" by what she had seen so early in the morning.
Richardson has previous convictions for drink driving, but not for "similar matters".
British Transport Police have issued an appeal to try and trace the red-headed woman but are yet to find her.
They said today there has been no update in the investigation in "the Hackney Down incident" and urged members of the public to come forward with information.
Footage of the couple went viral online, with images shared amongst thousands of Twitter users and uploaded to YouTube.
They were filmed by a woman as they stripped off for sex on 26 August, Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court heard.
Zara Khan, prosecuting, said: "A member of the public has recorded this on her mobile phone which shows an incident between the defendant and an unknown female.
"They were having sexual intercourse on the platform.
"The lady that took the video footage said that she was shocked an outraged.
"Certainly, the offence takes place early in the morning, there was members of the public in and around the location.
"It was daylight and it was during the school holidays and on a route that takes you to Stansted Airport.
"Subsequently Mr Richardson was arrested and he did make certain admissions in interview.
"He said that he had been drinking that day.
"He said, 'I have not really been drinking much recently but I have had too much, I was drinking all day and night.'"
Miss Khan said that Richards accepts his lewd behaviour was appalling.
"I can say that there is nothing similar on record," she added.
"There is, however, some driving matters and that is driving while intoxicated."
Davis Jones, defending Richardson, said: "He has obviously pleaded guilty from the outset and I would ask you to credit him.
"He gave a full account to the police and an explanation.
'"What he says today is that he is mortified and ashamed.
"He does not seek to hide behind the fact that he was drunk but he simply seeks to use it as an explanation."
Mr Jones said that Richardson was working 50-hour weeks on top of his university education and wanted to unwind over the bank holiday weekend.
He met the girl in a nearby pub and bumped into her before they went to the train station.
"He says that the area was not where he usually frequents," Mr Jones added.
"What has happened has happened and he accepted he took part in it.
"He said it was unlike him and not something he has ever done before.'
Richardson only found out he was an internet sensation when his mother and friends informed him of the video circulating online.
Mr Jones continued: "Most people know of this matter.
"He says that he cannot turn anywhere without people talking to him because of this moment of madness.
"Thankfully others were not there."
Richardson is now trying to find some part-time employment but he will forever have to explain this incident, Mr Jones added.
Magistrate Linda Logan said: "The only thing that I would say is that there has been alcohol involved before.
"The last conviction was a drink driving matter.
"This matter is serious and you have heard us discussing it.
"We are going to give you a community order and an alcohol abstinence programme of 60 days.
"That tag will be fitted with a piece of equipment but it can detect whether you have had any alcohol to drink.
"You cannot drink alcohol for 60 days.
"If the tag goes off that will get reported back to the court and you may receive a different type of sentence.
"Do you understand?"
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He was also ordered to pay £85 court costs and a victim surcharge of £85.
Richardson, of Poplar, admitted outraging public indecency.
They are not the only couple to enjoy a steamy encounter in public - earlier this year a holidaymaker was filmed "having sex with a prostitute" in broad daylight in Benidorm.
And in February, a randy couple got a bit too carried away on a packed train - after they apparently started having a steamy romp in front of stunned commuters.
The amorous couple opposite him allegedly began getting hot and heavy on board the 8.45am from Chatham to London Victoria.
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