Насколько радикально макияж меняет внешность девушек


Умелый макияж может заменить полноценную пластическую операцию. Если со знанием дела взять в руки все необходимые кисточки, пудры, крема и карандаши, то лицо девушки можно преобразить до неузнаваемости. Именно такие примеры мы собрали в этой подборке. Как говорит народная мудрость, перед тем, как начинать отношения с девушкой – обязательно сходите с ней на пляж, где многое наносное – спадает.

Oh, hi real life Barbie ?? — Foundation: "Icon 3" and "Icon 4" Foundation Sticks by @iconic.london #iconicbae — Lashes: "Doha" by @lillylashes #lillylashes — Eyes: The Burgundy Palette by @kyliecosmetics #kyliecosmetics — Lips: "Undressed" Lip Gloss by @anastasiabeverlyhills #anastasiabeverlyhills — Conceal: Maracuja Creaseless Concealer by @tartecosmetics #tartecosmetics — Bronzed: "Beached Bronze" in Sun Kissed by @urbandecaycosmetics #urbandecay — Brows: "Taupe" Microbrow Pencil by @nyxcosmetics #nyxcosmetics — Blush: "Blushed with Light" by @beccacosmetics #beccabeauty — Glow: "Watt's Up!" Highlighter and Hoola Body Bronzer by @benefitcosmetics #benefit — Hair: 280g 20" #60 Ash Blonde Khaleesi Set by @bellamihair #bellamihair

Допис, поширений Makeup + Hair (@paintdatface)






And here is miss October! I hope you will like it? I will be waiting for your likes and comments ?? I wanna say thank you for support and for sharing my works on your instagram pages as it is very important for me!❤ Və budur Sizlər ucun Oktyabir gözəli! Ümüdvaram ki, razı qalacaqsız???Hər zamanki kimi layk və kommentlərinizi gozləyirəm?? Hər birinizə minnətdarlığımı bildirmək istəyirəm məni hər zaman dəstəklədiyinizə görə! А вот для Вас и миссис Октябрь! Надеюсь, вы останетесь довольны, как и всегда ?не забывайте ставить лайки и комментарии ?? Благодарю всех за поддержку! ? @hudabeauty @laurag_143 @mikasabeauty @ladyvideo @beautyqueens4ever @neslin_guzelliksirlari @mazarin_design @omghairmakeup @the_ashoo_official @nouf_fashion #hudabeauty #anar_agakishiev #makeupcoach #girlzart #anastasiabeverlyhills #vegas_nay #voguethreads #universodamaquiagem_oficial #ibeautydaily #wakeupandmakeup #styledbyhrush #houseofmua #makeupbybouba #makegirlz #make_clips #makeuptutorialsx0x #universomakeup #brian_champagne #slave2beauty #toofaced #makeupartistsworldwide #ardell #houseoflashes #laurag_143 #tutorialesvideos

Допис, поширений Anar Agakishiev (@anar_agakishiev)


Before & after ✨ Spending your Saturday out? Book me on your next occasion! ?

Допис, поширений Alina (@mac_meover)




안녕하세요^^ 헤어디자이너도화입니다! 태어나서 처음 헤어컬러를 바꾸신 고객님이십니다 헤어컬러가 사람의 분위기를 달라보이게 하죠~피부과를 다녀오셔서 트러블이 심하셨지만 워낙 눈코입이 오목조목 이쁘게 생기셔서 저희두 감탄이 절로^^ 헤어컬러는 초코브라운으로 추운 겨울에 고급스럽고 제일 많이 하시는 컬러입니다. 메이크업 하고 올라오셔선 다들 와~ 깜짝놀랬습니다 헤어메이크업은 정말 여자들과 뗄레야 뗄수없는관계인듯 헤어문의는 카톡rla23232323 헤어 도화 @dohwa_ 메이크업 지아 @p_sunyoung_zia #초코브라운#염색

Допис, поширений 청담동헤어아티스트 도화. 항상 처음 처럼 겸손하게? (@dohwa_)


Beautiful bridal makeover #maisonsamerkhouzami #samerkhouzami #bride

Допис, поширений Samer Khouzami (@samerkhouzami)

Ahhhh another before and after to share with you guys!? I've notice a lot of my before and after have gone viral and I just want to thank all the haters who take the time to bash me on social media! You guys crack me the f up!!! ?I can care less about all the negative comments that have been said about me. That just means I'm doing something right!? Call me fake? For wearing makeup? Lol. Geez you serious? I am by all means not trying to hide behind a bunch of makeup. I am the same person with or without. Just a little more of a diva with that's all? who isn't? Makeup is like accessorizing, some just accessorize better than others.LOL To all my supporters and those who take their time to defend me and comment back to the negative comments I appreciate you guys so much! I know I don't respond to you ALL but trust me I do read them and I'm so grateful for you!!!??? Xoxo, ?#berry_wendy

Допис, поширений Wendy Tran (@berry_wendy)

Вот так ?? становятся Болливудскими актрисами ???????? я не сдержалась ? и даже на отдыхе принялась за любимое дело ? я мечтала об этом дне лет с 11, когда зависала на индийских фильмах и тайно красилась ?❤️ мечтала когда-нибудь окунуться в этот колорит и стать его частью ❤️ Этой прекрасной женщине 38))) у неё 2 детей и это первое преображение за всю её жизнь ?? Даже на свадьбу ее никто не собирал ?? Она была счастлива и сказала , что никогда в жизни не забудет этот день ?????? а я , видя ее, была счастлива втройне ❤️❤️❤️ Как вам преображение , мои хорошие ?? Модель была очень -очень скромная и почти не позировала после ?но, надеюсь , что вы оцените мои старания ❤️???? ____________________ This is how?? you become a Bollywood actress???????? I couldn't help myself I was dreaming of this day since like 11 when I watched the Indian movies all the time and did make-up secretly?❤ I dreamt someday to dive into this scenery and to become it's part❤ this gorgeous woman is 38))) she has 2 kids and this is her first transformation in her whole life?? no one even helped her at the wedding?? she was so happy and said that she would never forget this day in her life?????? and I, when I saw her, was 3 times as happy❤❤❤ what do you think of the transformation, my darlings?? The model was very very shy and almost didn't pose after? but I hope you would rate my efforts❤????

Допис, поширений Гоар Аветисян (@goar_avetisyan)

#beforeAndAfter of my beautiful client today getting ready for her #prom. I didn't edit this, you can still see bumps, but the coverage turned out perfect in my opinion. The key was to do a lot of layers, but very thin. For #acnecoverage I first applied #mac #prolongwearconcealer nw25 with a stipling brush, then went over it with Mac studio fix foundation in nc25 on the insides of the face nc40 on the outsides. I did another thin layer of foundation with #makeupforever #mattevelvet foundation. Then some more concealer (pro longwear in nw25 on spots that still showed, and #LauraMercier concealer for #highlight). Then I set everything with #mac #StudioFix powder, banana powder, and Ben nye cameo powder. I used my @morphebrushes buffing brush to smooth it all out so it didn't look toooo cakey. #brows are @anastasiabeverlyhills in dark brown. Also used #anastasiabeverlyhills #contour pallet for the powder #contouring. The white gold #glitter on the eyes is @girlactik, liner is #inglot black gel liner, lashes are #217, lips are just Mac #lipliner in the color #diva. She was so stunning, and so sweet. Believe it or not, she told me her face doesn't feel heavy (like it has with other makeup, or airbrush), cakey or dry… Despite all the layers. #lillyghalichi #GhalichiGlam #laurag143 #hudabeauty #vegasnay

Допис, поширений Glamourax (@glamourax_)

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