Звездой сети стал питбультерьер с кривой мордой


Широкую популярность в социальных сетях приобрёл десятимесячный питбультерьер, у которого перекошена челюсть. Пёс получил кличку Пикассо – таким образом его хозяин намекает на то, что внешность четырёхлапого напоминает персонажей картин испанского художника, который радикально коверкал своих героев.

Несмотря на изъян во внешности – животное совершенно здорово. Пёс родился в приюте для животных, где его долго не могли продать. В связи с этим руководство приюта даже планировало предать его эвтаназии. Однако нынешние его владельцы спасли пса.

Со временем Пикассо стал настоящей звездой социальных сетей.



#Repost @dogsofinstagram Thank you @dogsofinstagram for featuring our boy! We sure love these brothers and are looking for a wonderful home for them to go to together. Thank you @kelly_beal_photography for this photo! ••• ATTENTION OREGON! Someone please adopt this deserving pup! "Picasso was born this way and despite his funny looks he is happy and healthy. When a back yard breeder was unable to sell him and his brother they were dumped at a high kill shelter and slated for euthanasia. Luvable Dog Rescue saw Picasso and fell in love. They learned that Picasso had a "normal" looking brother who was also going to be euthanized. Luvable couldn't leave "Pablo" behind so they decided to rescue them together. Both brothers are now safe and up for adoption at @luvabledogrescue in Eugene, OR." writes @kelly_beal_photography

Допис, поширений Luvable Dog Rescue (@luvabledogrescue)


Picasso was born this way and despite his funny looks he is happy and healthy. When a back yard breeder was unable to sell him and his brother they were dumped at a high kill shelter and slated for euthanasia. Luvable Dog Rescue saw Picasso and fell in love. They learned that Picasso had a "normal" looking brother who was also going to be euthanized. Luvable couldn't leave "Pablo" behind so they decided to rescue them together. Both brothers are now safe and up for adoption at @luvabledogrescue in Eugene, OR.?Picasso does need dental surgery to remove lower teeth that are digging into his palette due to the misalignment of his jaw?Once Picasso has recovered from his surgery he and his brother will be up for adoption to a home together!!! #bornThisWay #pitbullbassethoundmix #lowrider #rescued

Допис, поширений Luvable Dog Rescue (@luvabledogrescue)



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