Девушка весила 145 кг, но похудела вдвое и преобразилась до неузнаваемости


Девушке по имени Джейд Сокоби удалось самостоятельно похудеть на 65 килограммов – без тренеров, сумасшедшей диеты и хирургического вмешательства. Она проделала тяжелый путь, начала поднимать тяжести и изменила рацион питания.

«Я весила 145 килограммов. Чтобы как-то решить проблему с лишним весом, в марте 2013 года я попросила помощи у своего брата, – рассказывает Джейд. – Сначала я убрала из рациона газированные напитки, сладости, ненужные закуски. Затем заставила себя считать калории. По мере того, как вес начал снижаться, я работала в спортзале максимум 2-3 раза в неделю».

Похудевшая Сокоби утверждает, что важно получать порцию белка с каждым приемом пищи.

«Как правило, ем по утрам яичные белки и английскую булку, иногда смешиваю яйца с измельченным картофелем. Повседневные блюда – курица, рыба. А овес – мой любимый источник энергии перед тренировкой. Затем я заканчиваю свой день орехами или фруктами».

Девушка советует начать с ментальной и эмоциональной трансформаций: «Я попытался и потерпел неудачу миллион раз, потому что я была морально уничтожена другими людьми. Я не начинала с 1 января или в понедельник, я просто знала, что мое время измениться настало».

«Красотка! Уважаю таких людей. Была конченной, но взяла себя в руки и показала класс. Так держать!» – пишут юзеры под обновленными фотографиями девушки в сети Instagram.


Life is a lot like a Rubiks Cube — a beautiful mess. • To put it lightly and honestly, 2017 was for the most part, absolute dog shit. From injuries, to heartbreak, to missed opportunities & to just feeling lost in it all sometimes. But as cliche as it sounds, I’ve learned from everything and everyone — good or bad. Because as pessimistic as I may have just sounded, many good things and people came, stayed and happened as well. • If it weren’t for the “bad” people, moments, days or years, I wouldn’t appreciate the good as much as I do now. I thank God for it all — the triumphs and missteps, the failure and glory, the love and heartbreak — His process is beautiful, even in the darkest moments. • There’s so much we can’t change, so we forget to focus on what we can — like happiness, how we treat others, our reactions, forgiveness, second chances & fresh starts. • I’m not one to make resolutions, but we should all try to just be a little bit better human beings. Take risks, forgive, give second chances, do better, be better, give more, do more. Be good to others for no other reason than it’s the right thing to do. But also don’t forget to be good to yourself first, because you can’t pour from an empty glass. • Have a happy & safe new year. Don’t drink & drive. & behave yourselves. ??‍♀️ #rpstrength #rplifestyle

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It doesn’t matter how something looks to other people. If this is something you’ve gotta do, then do it. • Trying new things in the gym has seemed to be harder for others than myself — because I’m absolutely loving it. People in my gym and IG have been making fun of me, unfollowing me (lolol bye), critiquing me in rude, nasty ways & just trying to shit in my cereal. When in reality, I’m just willingly sharing my journey on trying to be in the best shape I’ve ever been in, while trying to become the best version of me & the best all round athlete I can be. • But all I hear from that noise is just that — noise. & all they’re trying to do is feel some sort of relief by belittling me for doing more & getting out of my comfort zone, because it makes them feel better about doing less & doing the things they can’t. And that’s ok. Because when there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm.

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Today I did a thing. I tried on and purchased my first swim suits in my adult life. Like, I think the last one I owned, I was all chubby and maybe 11 — & it was from Ames ? THATS JUST SHORT OF 20 YEARS, GUISE. (Also for those concerned, yes I’m wearing undies! I brought more subtle, less comfortable undies to wear while trying on suits — y’all nasty as hell if you think I did that commando ??) • Is this a sexy fit chick bikini post? Fuck no. Is my body perfect? No. Am I concerned? Also no. #ItsOkToBeFeelinYoSelf • Life is so good since I got my priorities and mind right. I feel good. My heads good. I’m good. & SO many awesome/cool/good things are happening that I can’t wait to talk about. • Alsoooo — go read “The subtle art of not giving a fuck” — it’ll change your life.

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In my own lane, on my own frequency ?

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I’d wish you the best, but you already had it ?

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When I'm with you all I get is wild thoughts ?

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