Олимпийский чемпион месяц плыл по Арктике на весельной лодке. Он побил 11 мировых рекордов


Двукратный олимпийский чемпион по гребле Алекс Грегори опубликовал снимок, который показывает, на что стали похожи его руки после непрерывной гребли в течение месяца по Северному Ледовитому океану.

Британец участвовал в экспедиции, которая стартовала 20 июля этого года с материковой части Норвегии на север, к острову Шпицберген. А затем они повернули на юг в сторону Исландии и прошли приблизительно столько же.

Изначально экстремалы планировали плыть полтора месяца и добраться до Исландии. Но 19 августа они остановились на одном из отдалённых норвежских островов и из-за плохого самочувствия и поломок на судне решили прервать экспедицию. Они вызвали спасателей, чтобы их забрали с острова. Им удалось побить 11 мировых рекордов из 12, которые они изначально ставили себе за цель.

*Crew update!* In the last 24 hour period the crew covered 80nm, averaging 3.3 knots. The have now covered 208nm since tromsø, and are 240nm from Svalbard. Due to failure of the power backup and constant overcast weather the team is on a power saving mode, and as a result on water rations. All the electronic devices are currently shut down making communications difficult. On top of that the team faces consistent head winds. Despite this the crew are averaging over 2x faster than the current speed record and on a perfect track! It is certainly the highest daily milage ever done in the Arctic! Please spread the word about The Polar Row, and hopefully we can raise some money for our charity through the link on our website! #arctic #adventure #polarrow #rowing #speed #explore @hellyhansen @garminoutdoor

Допис, поширений ThePolarRow (@thepolarrow)


The Polar Row expedition has become the most record breaking ocean rowing expedition having achieved 11 World records during their time at sea. Beginning the expedition in Tromso on the 20th July 2017 the crew set out North heading for Svalbard.  Taking only 9 days to cover the 521 NM the crew gained 8 world records during this part of the expedition. With a new crew line up Polar Row set off to sea once again on the 7th of August and decided to extend the project by adding a row North towards the Ice shelf. This was an exciting upgrade of their original plan and turned into an extrodinary part of the expedition. On August 10th the crew hit the permanent Ice shelf becoming the first rowing boat to ever row to such a Northerly latitude. The crew then began the journey south. Weather conditions were constantly overcast and without solar power slowly the batteries were being drained. After five days of no visible sun the crew was forced to go on limited power supply. On day eight of the row the electrical equipment shut off as the batteries were completely drained.  The crew battled south in tough conditions using only manual steering and without navigational aids the decision was made to head for the Island of Jan Mayen. They reached land on August 19th.  Due to safety concerns, injuries and health issues four of the crew members are unable to continue the row to Iceland. Skipper Fiann Paul is relentlessly pursing all options to bring new rowers to Jan Mayen to complete the row to Iceland.  Having arranged new crew and private plane he faced the wall when civilian planes turned out to be not permitted to land. The crew of the Polar row: Fiann Paul, Roy Tathagata Tor Wigum, Jeff Wills, Carlo Facchino, Alex Gregory, Danny Longman, Tyler Carnevale, Sam Vye, would like to thank partners, advisers family and friends for their continued support. World records listed by official Guinness adjudicators: www.oceanrowing.com/Polar_row2017.htm Contact: [email protected]

Допис, поширений ThePolarRow (@thepolarrow)



90 minutes on…90 minutes off. We have been doing this now for over 60 hours but we have weeks ahead of us still! The feeling of reaching the ice shelf was surreal…a wall of ice as far as the eye could see which was emitting its own deep humming sound. We noticed pebbles of ice drifting past which before long became mini icebergs. A totally different world and a privilege to experience. But there wasn't much time to stop and take it in before we turned @thepolarrow round to head south-west and row into the strong southerly wind towards Iceland. • #polarrow #lifeatsea #iceshelf #arctic #arcticadventures #adventure #iceberg #instatravel #travel #instadaily #instadad #row #rowing #rowinglife #endurance #tinycabin #crewlife #shiftwork #waves #wind

Допис, поширений Alex Gregory (@alexgregorygb)


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