Сексапильная фитнес-инструктор покорила Сеть своими накаченными ягодицами


Фитнес-тренер Наташа Енциноза стала популярной в социальных сетях благодаря своей фигуре. Обхват одного бедра девушки равен 66 сантиметрам, что превосходит объем ее талии.

Прекрасная физическая форма Наташи привлекает огромное количество подписчиков в Instagram.

Таких форм девушка добилась за четыре года непрерывных тренировок. Она тренировалась как минимум 2 часа в тренажерном зале пять дней в неделю.


I didn't mean for it to look like I was bare… (I wasn't), but anyway… I'm just two weeks into prep and the biggest changes I've noticed are in my legs. I'm not used to seeing my legs shrink, or looking in the mirror at the gym and not thinking "ok my glutes and legs look good, yay." But it's been happening everyday for the past week almost. Every time I comment on it, @cafewithjoha just tells me "trust the process", & it's true… that's what I have to do, because if anyone knows what they're doing, it's my amazing coach @n8fitness, so what he says, goes! That's the beauty of challenging myself to doing something I've never done before, I get to see how my body transforms in ways it never has. On Saturday I had a KILLER glute session, and this morning I was surprisingly pleased with this picture ? I'll be sharing my legs process a lot because I WILL GROW THESE GLUTES during this prep, one way or another. #HappyHumpDay ? #Domin8Diva

A post shared by Natascha (Naty) Encinosa (@nataschaencinosa) on

What are some of your questions for me!? I'll be making a video soon answering FAQs! ?

A post shared by Natascha (Naty) Encinosa (@nataschaencinosa) on

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